You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God. 

—II Corinthians 9:11 

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

During this time in which the Church in the United States is engaged in a Eucharistic Renewal, we should reflect on all the ways the Eucharist enriches our lives and give thanks to God for the ineffable gift of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. In the celebration of the Mass, we are privileged to participate in this sacrament and to receive the fruits of His sacrifice in Holy Communion. This sacrament of love is a sign of unity with Christ and a bond of charity; “it is the source and summit of the Christian life” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1324).

As Catholics, we are called to embody Christ to a suffering world by our works of mercy and the daily sacrifices of charity through our wise use of our time, treasure and talent. This allows us to join these daily sacrifices in the offering of the paschal banquet each Sunday so we may receive the grace to live not for ourselves but bonded in God’s will. Our faith unites us as one family in Christ, each called to use our unique talents in service to others, especially those on the margins of life. It is in this light that I seek your generosity.

Throughout our statewide Diocese, all our ministries are focused on deepening our unity with Christ in the Eucharist and spreading God’s grace through charity and love.

  • Our priestly vocations, diaconate and lay leadership programs train faith-filled leaders to minister in our 68 parishes.
  • Through our religious education programs, Catholic schools and adult retreats, we offer sacramental and faith formation opportunities for every age.
  • The staff and offices of the Diocese provide all our parishes with operational support in the areas of human resources, financial services, building and property maintenance and stewardship.
  • Through your generosity, we can reach out to those in need of charity by providing emergency financial aid throughout the state. Our four residential care homes provide room and board for the elderly, many of whom are subsidized.
  • We utilize multi-media outlets to spread the Good News, including our nationally recognized quarterly magazine, website, social media channels and weekly bulletins.

I need your help to support these essential statewide ministries! The last few years have been difficult, and we have not met our appeal goal. Everything costs more, and there are fewer Catholics in the pews (I’m working on that, I promise). Please be as generous as you can. Especially now, every gift counts.

Will you please consider a gift this year to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal?

Together, as one family in Christ, we can protect and nourish our Catholic faith in Vermont.

Yours in Christ,

The Most Reverend Christopher J. Coyne

Bishop of Burlington

—Originally published in the Spring 2023 issue of Vermont Catholic magazine.

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