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Tag: Pope Francis

Category: Vatican
Pope proclaims Holy Year 2025
Category: Vatican
Jesus asks for faithfulness, but also friendship, pope says

Jesus calls believers not only to be servants of His kingdom, as the prophets and Mary were, but [...]

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Category: Vatican
Pope Francis to meet with thousands of grandparents and their grandchildren at the Vatican
Category: Saints
Causes for sainthood advanced
Category: World
Pope’s message for World Day of Prayer for Vocations stresses fraternity, hope
Category: World
Pope to diplomats: End savagery of war with dialogue, human rights
Category: Vatican
Pope Francis began the new year by urging Catholics to entrust 2024 Mary
Category: World
Pope marks 800th anniversary of Nativity scene, asks prayers for Holy Land
Category: World
World’s desire for unity persists since World War II, pope says
Category: Vatican
Pope’s health improving; he keeps some appointments
Category: Vermont
Younger U.S. priests increasingly identify as theologically conservative, politically moderate
Category: Vatican
Synod synthesis shows agreement, divergences, including on ‘synodality’
Category: Vatican
Love, forgiveness liberate, break cycles of violence, pope says
Category: World
Inside, outside: Synod to focus on the Church and its role in the world
Category: World
Cardinal Zuppi visits China as envoy promoting peace in Ukraine
Category: Vatican
Vatican offers details on how synod will work, media access
Category: World
Pope arrives in Mongolia, the ‘heart of Asia’
Category: Vatican
Adoration awakens love for the poor, commitment to justice, pope says
Category: Vatican
Pope tells lawyers he’s writing a new document on the environment
Category: Saints
Pope entrusts prayers for peace to Mary, assumed into heaven
Category: World
Pope prays for Maui victims, makes appeal for migration reform
Category: World
WYD pilgrims showed the world faith can lead to peace, pope says
Category: Saints
Pope calls for new Marian devotion at Fátima: ‘Our Lady in a Hurry’
Category: Uncategorized
U.S. set to have fifth largest delegation at World Youth Day
Category: Vatican
Pope visits summer camp for kids of Vatican employees
Category: Vatican
Look to God with childlike wonder, pope says
Category: Saints
Pope institutes commission to share the stories of new martyrs
Category: World
Pope’s message of hope launched into space to orbit Earth
Category: Vatican
Pope plans to write document dedicated to St. Thérèse of Lisieux
Category: Vatican
Pope asks Catholics to welcome everyone, create communion
Category: Vatican
Man arrested after car breaches Vatican gate, drawing gunfire from police
Category: Saints
Pope praises Julian of Norwich as example of faith and service
Category: World
Holy Year 2025 website to go live; registration opens in the fall
Category: World
World Youth Day helps inspire young people to serve others, pope says
Category: Vatican
People wounded in life should find welcome in the Church, pope says
Category: Vatican
‘Keyboard warriors’ don’t evangelize, pope says, they just argue
Category: Vatican
Share Easter joy with others, pope urges
Category: Nation
U.S. Catholic bishops call on faithful to pray for Pope Francis’ recovery during hospitalization
Category: Reviews
Movie review: ‘In Viaggio: The Travels of Pope Francis’
Category: Vatican
Pope asks Catholics to renew consecration of world to Mary every March 25
Category: World
He has ‘changed our lives,’ say those in need about Francis, the ‘pope of the poor’
Category: World
Oceans are gift from God, must be used fairly and sustainably, pope says
Category: World
Pope Francis has brought ‘new life, fresh air’ to Muslim-Catholic relations, say experts
Category: World
Pope saddened by ‘huge loss of life’ after earthquakes in Turkey and Syria
Category: World
Pope arrives in Congo after praying on flight for migrants
Category: World
Mass media needs more kindness, truth spoken with charity, pope says
Category: Vatican
Nothing can diminish the value of any human being, pope says
Category: World
Pope Benedict XVI laid to rest where 2 canonized popes were buried
Category: Saints
Love comes first, pope says in letter on teaching of St. Francis de Sales
Category: Vatican
Listen to the cries of the newborn Prince of Peace, pope says
Category: Vatican
Children help pope celebrate 86th birthday
Category: World
Celebrate Christmas ‘with Ukraine in your hearts,’ pope says, urging aid
Category: World
Global Church seeing how pope’s vision of synodality involves everyone
Category: Vatican
Physical vulnerability can be a resource for society, the Church, pope says
Category: World
Pope enlists a willing warrior to spread the message of ‘Laudato Si”
Category: Vatican
Keep the creche in Christmas, pope urges
Category: Vatican
Visiting his family, pope celebrates feast of Christ the King
Category: World
Religious leaders must build community, unity, peace, pope says
Category: Vatican
Pope’s November prayer intention: ‘For children who suffer’
Category: Vatican
Pope: Church’s concern for the family goes beyond focus on couples
Category: World
French Jesuit, South African Jewish scholar win Ratzinger Prize
Category: World
Prayers, support needed for those with Alzheimer’s disease, pope says

Marking World Alzheimer's Day Sept. 21, Pope Francis asked people to pray for all those affected by [...]

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Category: World
Pope urges world leaders to ‘work for peace, not weapons’
Category: Uncategorized
The best is yet to come
Category: World
British Catholics, Pope Francis pay tribute to Queen Elizabeth II
Category: World
Pope prays for ‘beloved Argentina’ after assassination attempt against VP
Category: Nation
Laudato Si’ message gets added attention as Season of Creation opens
Category: Vatican
By the numbers: Consistory keeps expanding variety in College of Cardinals
Category: World
Prayers, action urged worldwide during Season of Creation Sept. 1 to Oct. 4
Category: World
Service is a calling for all, not a select few, pope says
Category: Vatican
Mary teaches primacy of humility over power, success
Category: Vatican
Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, pope tells young people
Category: World
Ambassador says pope will visit Ukraine before Kazakhstan trip
Category: Vatican
Vatican investments must follow Catholic social teaching, new policy says
Category: Vatican
Pope: Listening to God’s word comes first, activity next
Category: World
Pope: Young people called to look beyond ‘shortsighted’ ideologies

Young Europeans must be a sign of unity and inclusion to counter today's culture that seeks to [...]

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Category: Vatican
Pope: Interreligious cooperation is needed to tackle threats to people, planet
Category: Vatican
Pope’s knee troubles force cancellation of July trip to Africa
Category: World
Pope asks Mary, Queen of Peace, to end war in Ukraine and everywhere
Category: Vatican
Pope calls for united efforts in care for creation during Laudato Si’ Week
Category: Vatican
Liturgy must lead to awe, unity, mission, pope says
Category: World
Vatican releases pope’s message for World Day of Prayer for Vocations
Category: World
‘Journeying together’ is at heart of Church’s synods, synodal preparations
Category: Vatican
Christ’s resurrection brings hope amid ‘Easter of war,’ pope says
Category: World
Before washing prisoners’ feet, pope tells them God always forgives
Category: Vatican
Victory is not raising a flag on pile of rubble, pope says on Palm Sunday
Category: World
Balancing act: Papal trip highlights complexities of migration crisis
Category: Vatican
Pope promulgates Curia reform, emphasizing Church’s missionary nature
Category: World
Pope to consecrate Russia, Ukraine to Mary
Category: Vatican
Lent is a time to wake up, pray more, care for others, pope says
Category: World
Church needs women saints, pope tells conference
Category: World
Pope thanks Poland for welcoming Ukrainian refugees
Category: World
Pope visits Russian Embassy to express concern over war
Category: World
Pope calls for day of prayer, fasting for peace in Ukraine
Category: World
Pope chooses theme for World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly
Category: Uncategorized
Looking forward to the Lenten journey 2022
Category: World
Praying for peace, looking toward Olympics, pope emphasizes unity
Category: Vatican
Accurate information is a human right, pope tells Catholic communicators
Category: World
Ukraine deserves peace, Pope Francis says
Category: Vatican
Pope: Be ‘merry’ this Christmas, but don’t forget Jesus
Category: Vatican
Prepare for Christmas by serving others, pope says
Category: World
Pope closes Year of St. Joseph with marginalized young adults
Category: World
Meeting Cypriot leaders, pope urges dialogue for peace, care for migrants
Category: Vatican
Pope: Discrimination against people with disabilities must end
Category: World
Synodality described as an opportunity to hear God’s call to the Church
Category: World
Pope plans Dec. 2-6 visit to Cyprus and Greece

Pope Francis' planned trip to the eastern Mediterranean in December will focus on migration, [...]

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Category: World
‘Entire human family’ must help solve climate crisis, say Catholic leaders
Category: Nation
Climate, migration among issues Catholics hope Biden, pope will discuss
Category: Vatican
Recognizing miracle, pope clears way for beatification of John Paul I
Category: World
Pope blesses nun held captive nearly five years by insurgents in Mali
Category: World
Synodal process looks to hear from voices on the margins of the Church
Category: Vatican
Greatness is measured by service, pope says
Category: Vermont
2022: ‘The Year of Communion: Unity in Creed, Worship and Life’
Category: World
Make the brave choice to lead a simpler, eco-friendly life, pope says
Category: Vatican
Courage needed to place needs of others first, cardinal says
Category: World
Vaccination is an act of love, pope says in ad campaign
Category: World
Hundreds gather outside hospital to greet recovering pope
Category: Vatican
Pope in ‘good condition’ after surgery at Rome’s Gemelli hospital
Category: Vatican
Hope comes from noticing God at work even in small things, pope says
Category: Vatican
Eucharist is bread of sinners, not reward of saints, pope says
Category: World
Pope to students: Rediscover importance of face-to-face relationships
Category: Vatican
Pope approves canonizations
Category: Vatican
Pope calls for monthlong global prayer marathon for end of pandemic
Category: World
Pope prays newly beatified martyrs inspire greater fidelity to God
Category: World
Pope calls all Catholics to be missionaries of God’s mercy
Category: Reviews
Movie review: ‘Francesco’
Category: World
Pope says he, too, kneels on Myanmar streets, begging for end to violence
Category: World
Living the beatitudes can change the world, pope says in Iraq
Category: World
For Lent, ask if one’s life is centered on God or oneself, pope says
Category: World
Lent is time to grow in faith, hope, love and to share them, pope says
Category: World
Media guidance from a pope and a saint, both named Francis
Category: Vatican
Pope advances sainthood causes of pro-life geneticist Lejeune, others
Category: World
In message for World Sick Day, pope calls for health care for all
Category: World
Pope Francis proclaims Year of St. Joseph
Category: World
‘Fratelli tutti:’ An encyclical for all brothers and sisters
Category: Vatican
Pope Francis proclaims Year of St. Joseph
Category: World
Say ‘no’ to sin, ‘yes’ to grace, pope says on Immaculate Conception feast
Category: World
Counting cardinals: Congregations, continents represented increase

With Pope Francis' new picks for the College of Cardinals, the body will be more religious than [...]

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Category: Vermont
Bishop Coyne comments on Pope Francis interview
Category: Vatican
True prayer, like true faith, leads to care for others, pope says
Category: Vatican
Saying ‘thank you’ to God is a beautiful prayer, pope tells children
Category: Vatican
Common good, not greed, must motivate search for vaccine, pope says
Category: Vatican
Pope: Jubilee for the Earth a time for restoring bond with God, creation
Category: Vatican
Charity is path to perfection when done for Jesus, pope says
Category: Uncategorized
The gift of wisdom is fit for a king and the rest of us
Category: Uncategorized
Summer heat and cool air
Category: Vatican
Pope makes surprise visit to summer camp for kids of Vatican employees
Category: Nation
Pope prays for U.S., calls racism a pro-life issue
Category: Vatican
Wonder at gift of creation opens human hearts to prayer, pope says
Category: World
Vatican announces Laudato Si’ anniversary year
Category: World
Pope to nurses, midwives: ‘Thank you for your service to humanity’
Category: Vatican
Pope advances sainthood cause of Italian millennial
Category: Vatican
On St. Joseph feast day, pope prays for workers, employers
Category: World
Pope approves foundation promoting example, works of Pope John Paul I
Category: Vatican
Pope composes prayers for end of pandemic to be recited after rosary
Category: World
Divine Mercy Sunday seen as chance to receive Christ’s mercy ‘anew’
Category: Vatican
At Mass, pope prays for unity, fidelity in difficult time
Category: Saints
Saints ‘dared to dream’ of ‘vibrant missionary Church’
Category: Vatican
Pope on Palm Sunday: Life, measured by love, is meant to serve others
Category: Uncategorized
Youth called to a life of holiness
Category: Vatican
Statement of U.S. Bishops’ President on Pope Francis’ Urbi et Orbi Message
Category: World
What is a plenary indulgence?
Category: Vatican
Pope announces extraordinary ‘urbi et orbi’ blessing March 27
Category: Uncategorized
Pope requests recitation of Luminous Mysteries of rosary today
Category: Vatican
Christianity without mercy is impossible, pope says
Category: Uncategorized
Reflections on Lent
Category: Uncategorized
Text of pope’s prayer to Mary during coronavirus pandemic
Category: World
Pope asks Catholics to join week of climate reflection, action in May
Category: Vatican
Humanity, ethics must be at center of AI technology, pope says

The use of artificial intelligence in science and medicine must be guided by ethical standards that [...]

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Category: Uncategorized
Lent as a time for embraces

Over time, certain passages of scripture reach beyond the realm of the sacred to find a place [...]

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Category: World
‘Laudato Si” at 5: Project seeks to foster prayerful climate action

Pope Francis' encyclical on the environment set the path five years ago and now a new effort by the [...]

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Category: World
Pope says there is no quick fix for priest shortage in Amazon region
Category: World
Generous help of Knights counters culture of indifference, pope says
Category: World
Official logo for the Sunday of the Word of God unveiled at Vatican

An icon of the encounter with Jesus on the road to Emmaus was chosen as the official logo for the [...]

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Category: Vatican
God is at work in the world, pope says at prayer service closing 2019
Category: Vatican
Pope calls for teaching youth to be active citizens
Category: World
Pope demands action for failing fight against climate change
Category: Vatican
Pope asks Catholics to set up, be enchanted by a Nativity scene
Category: Nation
Panelists say from day one, pope showed world he’d be a pastor
Category: Saints
Forever in bluejeans: Icon painter brings Minnesota martyr to life
Category: World
Welcoming pope after long flight, Thais keep it warm and informal
Category: World
Pope calls for action against destructive culture of food waste
Category: World
Caring for common home requires deep ecological conversion, synod says
Category: Nation
Students learn sustainability protects God’s creation

Sustainability is a lesson that even the leader of a green-minded school admits she is learning. [...]

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Category: World
Synod members call for greater role of women, laity in ministry
Category: World
Pope opens Missionary Month with call to share joy, hope, talents
Category: World
Pope declares special Sunday each year dedicated to word of God
Category: World
When indigenous lands are invaded, isolated people die
Category: Vermont
It is good: Bishop Coyne’s message for the Season of Creation
Category: World
In Amazon’s cities, indigenous people are often invisible
Category: World
English bishop finds concrete ways to encourage eco-friendly practices
Category: Vatican
Pope: Proclaim God’s love through care for needy
Category: World
Assumption feast invites people to look to heaven with hope, pope says
Category: Vatican
Pope approves new statutes for Vatican bank
Category: Vatican
Church is a mother to all, remains close to those who suffer, pope says
Category: Nation
Pope Francis joins prayers for victims of bloody weekend in U.S.
Category: Vatican
Hush hour: Spirituality of silence is a journey toward God, priest says
Category: Nation
Catholic leaders object to reinstatement of federal death penalty

The July 25 announcement by the Justice Department that it is reinstating the federal death penalty [...]

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Category: Vatican
Pope: Church needs apostolate of prevention to protect minors from abuse
Category: World
Praising God for gift of creation leads to respect for it, pope says

Human beings are called to praise God for his gift of creation, not be predators out to plunder the [...]

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Category: World
South America’s Amazon: culturally diverse, globally important
Category: World
Pope to celebrate Mass with migrants, refugees
Category: Vatican
Christian community a place of welcome, solidarity, pope says
Category: Vatican
Catholic education key to fighting indifference, pope says
Category: World
Walking together, Christians experience unity in diversity, pope says
Category: Vatican
Prenatal diagnosis of illness is no excuse for abortion, pope says
Category: Vatican
Pope: Sport strengthens friendships, brings out best of body, mind

For young men and women, competitive sports like soccer not only help strengthen their bodies, but [...]

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Category: World
Throwing away food is like throwing away people, pope says
Category: Vatican
Jesus is always ready to help free people from evil, pope says
Category: World
Not ruling on apparitions, pope allows official pilgrimages to Medjugorje
Category: Uncategorized
Thank God for mothers
Category: Vatican
Pope discusses deaconesses, need for nuns to be servants not ‘maids’
Category: Vatican
Pope issues new norms on mandatory abuse reporting, bishop accountability
Category: World
Pope Francis visits refugees in Sofia, Bulgaria, May 6.
Category: Vatican
God never tricks, traps or tempts people to sin, Pope Francis says
Category: World
A look at the College of Cardinals after Polish cardinal’s 80th birthday
Category: Vatican
On Good Friday, papal preacher says cross brings hope to the oppressed
Category: Vatican
Pope to priests: Best place to be is among the people
Category: Vatican
Embrace the cross, trust God will triumph, pope says on Palm Sunday
Category: Vatican
All are debtors before God’s love, forgiveness, pope says
Category: World
USCCB leaders say apostolic exhortation a call to invest in young people
Category: World
Spread mercy, build fraternity, pope urges Morocco’s Christian minority
Category: Vatican
Lent begins with reminder of all that fades away, pope says
Category: World
Vatican announces theme for World Day of Migrants and Refugees
Category: World
Death penalty a ‘grave’ violation of human right to life, pope says
Category: World
Vatican summit opens with acknowledgment of evil committed
Category: Vatican
To know God is to know love, pope says
Category: World
Sainthood causes of Blessed Newman, Cardinal Mindszenty advance
Category: Uncategorized
Live ‘Laudato Si’’ this Lent
Category: World
Caritas reps from Latin America look for ways to build on ‘Laudato Si”
Category: World
Witness to Christ with love, pope tells Catholics on Arabian Peninsula
Category: Vatican
Gift of fidelity
Category: Vatican
‘Nationalistic tendencies’ threaten world peace, pope tells diplomats
Category: World
Time passes, but God’s love endures, pope says as 2018 ends
Category: Vatican
In Christmas message, pope prays for peace
Category: World
Pope at Christmas: Come to the manger with love, charity, simplicity
Category: Vatican
Pope: Prepare for Christ’s birth by recognizing mistakes, sowing peace
Category: World
Kingdom based on love, not power, brings true peace, pope says
Category: World
Helping the poor is not a papal fad, but a duty, pope says
Category: Vatican
Pope makes surprise visit to mobile clinic in St. Peter’s Square
Category: World
Pope focuses on ‘good politics’ for 2019 World Peace Day message
Category: Vatican
Bible has power to transform lives, pope says
Category: World
Catholic groups urge humane treatment of migrants headed to border
Category: Vatican
7 new saints
Category: Vatican
Mercy, love can heal wounded marriages, pope says
Category: World
Listen to young people, be open to change, cardinal tells synod
Category: Vatican
Guardian angels are life’s traveling companions, pope says
Category: World
Pope to visit Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia

Pope Francis will travel to the eastern periphery of Europe to honor a faith that withstood a Nazi [...]

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Category: World
Pope praises evangelization through prayer, care for creation, welcome
Category: World
Pope: Pray, act to protect clean water, guarantee access to it
Category: World
At Knock shrine, pope again begs forgiveness for betrayal of abuse
Category: World
Pope meets survivors of abuse in Ireland

Pope Francis spent 90 minutes meeting privately with eight survivors of sexual, physical and [...]

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Category: World
Faith strengthens marriage, makes love grow, pope says
Category: Vatican
Pope says he sees continuity, not rupture in ‘Amoris Laetitia’
Category: Vatican
Pope revises catechism to say death penalty is ‘inadmissible’
Category: Vermont
Society for the Propagation of the Faith
Category: Vatican
Pope: Seek Christ in ‘abandoned tabernacles’ of poor, lonely
Category: World
Pope’s Lamborghini fetches nearly $1 million for charity at auction
Category: Reviews
Movie Review: ‘Pope Francis: A Man of His Word’
Category: World
Pope: Catholic media must not fall behind in digital age

In an age when technology is ever-evolving, Catholic news organizations must be willing to adapt to [...]

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Category: Vermont
Missionaries of Mercy
Category: World
Pope asks Catholics to pray the rosary for peace each day in May
Category: Nation
USCCB president praises pope for ‘powerful words’ calling all to holiness
Category: World
Upcoming apostolic exhortation: ‘Rejoice and Be Glad’
Category: World
Jesus does not give up on anyone, pope tells prisoners
Category: World
‘Cry out,’ pope tells young people at Palm Sunday Mass
Category: World
Pope adds feast of Mary, mother of the Church to universal calendar
Category: World
Pope to diplomats: World peace depends on right to life, disarmament
Category: Vermont
Welcoming new Americans
Category: Vermont
Unwrapping the Good News
Category: World
Ephipany festival in Rome
Category: Vatican
Pope: Coldest hearts can be warmed by Christmas cheer
Category: World
Don’t wait to be perfect to answer vocational call, pope says
Category: World
Prayers for peace in South Sudan, Congo
Category: World
First World Day of the Poor
Category: Vatican
‘Papal’ Lamborghini gift to be auctioned for charity
Category: World
World Day of the Poor is Nov. 19

Pope Francis will celebrate the Catholic Church's first World Day of the Poor Nov. 19 by [...]

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Category: World
Example of the Saints
Category: World
Share the Journey

(CNS photo/Paul Haring)Pope Francis makes a gesture of an embrace in support of immigrants during [...]

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Category: World
New Tool to use ‘Laudato Si” to measure, rank Nations’ Development
Category: World
Pope Amends Church Law on Mass Translations

(CNS photo/Nancy Phelan Wiechec)An altar server holds a copy of a Roman Missal during Mass at St. [...]

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Category: World
World Day of Prayer for Creation
Category: Vatican
“Perfect People”
Category: Vatican
Pope Announces new Cardinals
Category: Schools
Catholic Schools Care for Creation

In response to Burlington Bishop Christopher J. Coyne's call for a Year of Creation focused on Pope [...]

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Category: Vatican
Via Crucis Meditations Highlight Victory of Love
Category: Vatican
Way of the Cross Highlights Victory of Love
Category: Vatican
Pope Washes 12 Inmates’ Feet
Category: Vatican
Integral Development means being in Relationship, says Pope
Category: Vatican
Loving Families Bring Joy, Mercy to World, says Pope

(CNS illustration/World Meeting of Families)This is a promotional image for World Meeting of [...]

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Category: Vatican
Pope: Lent Breathes Life into World
Category: Vatican
Respect Earth and Others, Says Pope