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Tag: peace

Category: Vermont
Peace: ‘The tranquility of order’

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not [...]

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Category: Uncategorized
Peace in the Christian life
Category: Vermont
When looking for peace, look to God
Category: Vermont
‘The marvelous peace of God’
Category: Vermont
Knights of Columbus’ compassionate service a source of peace for many
Category: Vermont
‘We are disciples of the Prince of Peace’
Category: Vermont
Catholic Daughters seek to positively influence welfare of Church, all people
Category: Vermont
Sister Paul Mary Dreger finds peace baking bread, receiving the Bread of Life
Category: Uncategorized
Uneasy and unsettled?
Category: Vermont
Pax Christi
Category: Vermont
Catholic Daughters seek to positively influence welfare of Church, all people

“The purposes of the organization are to participate in the religious, charitable, and educational [...]

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Category: World
Rosary for Peace
Category: Nation
‘The Challenge of Peace’ 40 years later: Durable principles, changed world
Category: World
Pope asks Mary, Queen of Peace, to end war in Ukraine and everywhere
Category: World
‘Never take peace for granted,’ say Northern Ireland archbishops
Category: World
Ukraine deserves peace, Pope Francis says
Category: Uncategorized
‘Blessed are the peacemakers’
Category: Vatican
‘Nationalistic tendencies’ threaten world peace, pope tells diplomats
Category: World
Pope asks Catholics to pray the rosary for peace each day in May
Category: Vermont
Prayer for Peace and Healing
Category: World
Mass for peace in Democratic Republic of Congo