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Tag: Pandemic

Category: World
Latin America’s bishops to confront increasing poverty after Covid-19
Category: Vatican
Vaccination is an act of love, pope says in ad campaign
Category: Vermont
St. Mark’s ‘Covid Community Commemoration’
Category: Vermont
Diocese planning phased re-introduction of musicians at Mass
Category: World
Pope to students: Rediscover importance of face-to-face relationships
Category: Vermont
Masks in church
Category: World
Pope calls for monthlong global prayer marathon for end of pandemic
Category: Uncategorized
A statement regarding the Janssen/Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine
Category: Vermont
Administering Sacraments during Covid
Category: Vermont
Vermont Catholic Charities provides emergency aid
Category: Uncategorized
Catholic communities continue outreach during pandemic
Category: Nation
Like their counterparts a century ago, seminarians serve others amid pandemic
Category: Vermont
Fellowship in a pandemic
Category: Nation
All Souls’ Day 2020 is poignant reminder of Covid-19
Category: Vermont
Donations help eldercare homes during pandemic
Category: Vermont
Catholic schools’ protocol for reopening
Category: Vermont
Emotions mixed as Catholic schools prepared to reopen
Category: Nation
Cardinal Tobin: Being spiritually close while socially distant is today’s challenge
Category: Uncategorized
Letter to my post-quaratine self
Category: Vermont
Ministries continue despite pandemic
Category: Uncategorized
Finding God in the pandemic
Category: Vermont
A message from Jeanne Gearon, superintendent of Catholic schools
Category: Uncategorized
Re-Entering the Mystery of the Mass
Category: Vermont
A message from Msgr. John McDermott
Category: Vermont
A message from Msgr. John McDermott
Category: Vermont
Welcome Back to the Celebration of Mass
Category: Uncategorized
Managing your children’s screen use
Category: Vermont
Special Mass at St. Francis Xavier Church
Category: Nation
Catechist has special message for children waiting for First Communion
Category: Vermont
Catholic church re-opening timeline
Category: Vatican
St. Peter’s Basilica reopens to the public
Category: World
Pope to nurses, midwives: ‘Thank you for your service to humanity’
Category: Vermont
Mother’s Day during the Covid-19 pandemic
Category: World
During pandemic, film, books will commemorate St. John Paul’s legacy
Category: Nation
Polls show faith is getting Americans through the coronavirus crisis
Category: Vatican
Pope composes prayers for end of pandemic to be recited after rosary
Category: Vermont
Rice students reach out to eldercare home residents during pandemic
Category: Vermont
Reflections on the Eucharist in time of pandemic

There’s something simple that I’d like for us to consider when we think about the Mass. Christ is [...]

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Category: Nation
Catholic school uniform company now making, donating face masks
Category: Nation
Longing for Eucharist can be exercise in spiritual growth, Jesuit says
Category: Uncategorized
Msgr. McDermott: Faith in the risen Christ strengthens our hope
Category: Uncategorized
New hymn composed for time of pandemic expresses hope, trust in God
Category: Vermont
An interview with Dr. Marta Kokoszynska
Category: Nation
Let Christ lead you through ‘this holiest of weeks,’ archbishop advises
Category: Nation
Knights of Columbus offers short-term loans to help Dioceses meet needs
Category: Vermont
Diocese of Burlington to close all churches, chapels and indoor shrines as of 5:00 p.m. today