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Tag: Eucharist

Category: Uncategorized
Musing from Monsignor McDermott
Category: Nation
What to expect at the 2024 Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis
Eucharistic Convocation & Pilgrimage
Eucharistic Convocation & Pilgrimage
Eucharistic Convocation & Pilgrimage
Category: Uncategorized
Eucharist as Communion
Category: Uncategorized
The Eucharist as sacrifice
Category: Nation
CARA study shows positive signs of Catholic belief in Eucharist, but underscores need for revival
Category: Vermont
Meal & Sacrifice: Scriptural Basis for the Eucharist
Category: Vatican
Adoration awakens love for the poor, commitment to justice, pope says
Category: Uncategorized
The Fullness of the Eucharistic Prayer
Category: Nation
Key to Eucharistic revival is ‘to reclaim, understand why we go to Mass,’ priest says
Category: Uncategorized
Eucharist should inspire work for justice, Cardinal Gregory says
Category: Vermont
The Real Presence of Jesus Christ
Category: Vermont
‘All you need to do is show up’
Category: Vermont
The Last Supper
Category: Uncategorized
Full, active, conscious participation in the Mass
Category: Uncategorized
The Presence of Christ at Mass
Category: Vermont
Visits to the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle
Category: Vermont
In Vermont, Eucharistic Revival to focus on Eucharistic celebration
Category: Uncategorized
‘I wonder as I wander’
Category: Vermont
Meditate on Bishop deGoësbriand’s ‘dispositions’ for active, fruitful participation in liturgy
Category: Nation
‘The Most Blessed Sacrament’
Category: Vermont
Why do you participate in Eucharistic Adoration?
Category: Vermont
The Real Presence of Christ is the heart of Catholic faith
Category: Vermont
A Thanksgiving message from Bishop Coyne
Category: Uncategorized
In the face of division, turn to the Eucharist
Category: Uncategorized
Are you prepared to receive communion?
Category: Uncategorized
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Category: Vermont
‘We are a people of the Mass, a people of the Eucharist’
Category: Vermont
‘A time of prayer, reflection, thankfulness’
Category: Vermont
Bishop deGoësbriand’s fervent love for the Eucharist
Category: Uncategorized
Teaching children the Real Presence
Category: Vermont
Carefully prepared for the Eucharist
Category: Uncategorized
Jesus is in the chapel – Really!
Category: Vermont
Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist teach about the Eucharist
Category: Uncategorized
Remembering what it means to be a eucharistic people
Category: Vermont
‘The Blessed Sacrament is at the heart of my priesthood’
Category: Nation
Louisiana boat procession to highlight saints known for love of Eucharist
Category: Vermont
Priest’s role at Mass is multi-faceted
Category: Vermont
‘For this is my body, which will be given up for you’
Category: Nation
Exhibit of eucharistic miracles seeks to bolster faith in Real Presence
Category: Vatican
‘Do this in memory of me’ includes serving others, cardinal says
Category: Uncategorized
The Most Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist and the sound of silence
Category: Nation
‘The Mystery of the Eucharist in the Life of the Church’
Category: Nation
U.S. bishops vote to accept Eucharist document
Category: Vatican
Eucharist is bread of sinners, not reward of saints, pope says
Category: Nation
Pastoral aims to ‘reinspire’ Catholics to have deeper love of God in Eucharist
Category: Nation
Longing for Eucharist can be exercise in spiritual growth, Jesuit says
Category: World
The Real Presence: What do Catholics believe and how Church can respond
Category: Nation
Prayer, Eucharist and Thanksgiving
Category: Uncategorized
Behold God’s glory