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Tag: COVID-19

Category: Nation
Pew: Online worship still satisfying, but in-person worship now more popular
Category: World
As Covid’s emergency phase ends, Catholic experts share takeaways for the Church
Category: Nation
Couple credits Blessed McGivney for saving husband from dying of Covid-19
Category: Vermont
Message from Bishop Christopher Coyne to all priests/deacons regarding Covid-19 policy
Category: Vermont
Christmas is about coming together’ even in an ongoing pandemic
Category: World
Latin America’s bishops to confront increasing poverty after Covid-19
Category: Vermont
Luncheon on the Lawn
Category: World
Vaccination is an act of love, pope says in ad campaign
Category: Vermont
Communications update
Category: Vermont
St. Mark’s ‘Covid Community Commemoration’
Category: Vermont
Bishop Coyne re-establishes Sunday obligation
Category: Vermont
Covid-19 restrictions lifted
Category: World
Pope to students: Rediscover importance of face-to-face relationships
Category: Vermont
Masks in church
Category: Vermont
A Catholic Covid update
Category: Uncategorized
A statement regarding the Janssen/Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine
Category: Vermont
Administering Sacraments during Covid
Category: World
14-nation survey shows U.S. faith has stayed strongest amid Covid-19
Category: Vermont
Vermont Catholic Charities provides emergency aid
Category: Nation
Bishops: Getting Covid-19 vaccine is ‘act of charity,’ supports the common good
Category: World
Bethlehem at Christmas: Unemployment can mean choosing food or medicine
Category: Nation
Panel: Dorothy Day’s focus on the neglected would resonate in Covid-19 era
Category: Vermont
Advent message from Msgr. McDermott
Category: Nation
All Souls’ Day 2020 is poignant reminder of Covid-19
Category: World
New U.N. nuncio addresses economic inequities made worse by Covid-19
Category: Schools
Emotions mixed as Catholic schools prepared to reopen
Category: Vatican
Common good, not greed, must motivate search for vaccine, pope says
Category: Vermont
Bishop Marshall School face coverings show school spirit
Category: Vermont
Ministries continue despite pandemic
Category: Nation
Survey shows wide support among Americans for Covid-19 worship restrictions
Category: Vermont
A message from Jeanne Gearon, superintendent of Catholic schools
Category: World
Death cannot keep people from God, says bishop recovering from Covid-19
Category: Vermont
Msgr. Lavalley blesses Winooski during Covid-19 outbreak
Category: Vermont
Message from Bishop Coyne Re: Resuming the Celebration of Mass
Category: Vatican
St. Peter’s Basilica reopens to the public
Category: Vermont
Thoughts on May snow
Category: Vermont
Mother’s Day during the Covid-19 pandemic
Category: Vermont
Rice students reach out to eldercare home residents during pandemic
Category: Nation
Catholic school uniform company now making, donating face masks
Category: Uncategorized
Bishop Coyne’s Appeal Message Addresses Impact of COVID-19
Category: Vermont
Catholics united digitally for Holy Week
Category: Vermont
An interview with Dr. Marta Kokoszynska
Category: Nation
Let Christ lead you through ‘this holiest of weeks,’ archbishop advises
Category: Vermont
Distance Learning: The Mount St. Joseph Academy Model
Category: Nation
Knights of Columbus offers short-term loans to help Dioceses meet needs
Category: Vermont
Smiling faces at Mass
Category: Vermont
Vermont Catholic Charities’ work continues during pandemic
Category: Saints
Pandemic Saints
Category: Uncategorized
Love lives in the sacred place called ‘home’
Category: Nation
Catholic nurses often only spiritual connection to hospitalized patients
Category: Vermont
Catholic school communities connecting through technology
Category: Vatican
Statement of U.S. Bishops’ President on Pope Francis’ Urbi et Orbi Message
Category: Vermont
Diocese of Burlington updates in response to ‘Stay in Place’ order by Gov. Scott
Category: Vermont
‘Grace and consolation in being in community, even if it is online’
Category: Vermont
Diocese of Burlington to close all churches, chapels and indoor shrines as of 5:00 p.m. today
Category: Vermont
Parishes use various means to stay connected with parishioners during pandemic
Category: Vermont
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Radio
Category: Nation
From TheBostonPilot.com: Suspending Masses was an act of charity
Category: Vatican
Pope announces extraordinary ‘urbi et orbi’ blessing March 27
Category: Vermont
Diocese of Burlington live streaming TV Mass
Category: Vermont
Father Jordan live streaming Masses during pandemic
Category: World
Bethlehem family, on lockdown, prepares for Easter with films on saints
Category: Vermont
Letter from Bishop Christopher J. Coyne with Pandemic Update
Category: Vermont
Bishop Christopher J. Coyne sadly announces suspension of all public celebrations of Mass, sacraments, devotions
Category: Nation
CDC director ‘not shy about his Catholic faith,’ says Baltimore pastor
Category: Uncategorized
Catholic Schools Close as of Dismissal on March 17- April 15
Category: Vermont
Notice from Bishop Christopher J. Coyne: Sunday Mass Obligation Suspended
Category: Nation
USCCB president’s reflection and prayer during coronavirus
Category: World
As COVID-19 spreads, Holy Land Catholics concerned, but sites still open